With cannabis everywhere we look today, the natural desire is to want “in”. To want to be a part of the action. To want “in” on the next big thing. Everyone wants to say they’re invested in cannabis in some way as it is the newest revolution since sliced bitcoin.

With that said, and if this describes you, there is going to be a series of updates coming soon via email. Root Affects will be sending out brief bios on different types of cannabis and CBD investments that are available, and the risk/reward each entails.

The goal of these email updates is to make investment opportunity and investment resources more readily available to the average person. They will be broken into categories based on risk level, and real time introductions will be possible when two sides connect.


ABC420 Inc. is seeking $25,000 to expand its current CBD operations and distribution. The funds will be allocated to acquiring inventory, a larger facility, and a larger extraction machine.

Current revenue is $6,000/month, they’ve been in business for two years, lack corporate structure, willing to learn proper practices. Business is fully legal as it works with CBD only.

Looking to give up 10% equity for 25k investment, principal paid back as first money out.

Contact to be paired with this opportunity.

Look for these updates coming soon to this blog and weekly emails.

David Gittlson