How Does Security Work in a Cannabis Facility?

How does security work in a cannabis facility? What should you be prepared for as far as the amount of computer space needed and how long you have to keep the footage from the cameras? 

When it comes to keeping footage from security cameras, rules vary state to state. Because of that, let’s talk general rule of thumb - requirements that your camera equipment and set up need to meet. 

It needs to be able to recognize a face within 20 feet of the camera. It needs to be able to record for four hours with no power, meaning you have to have battery backup that lasts at least four hours. You need to be able to record for up to 60 days and store those recordings. You need to have your cameras laid out in a way where you don't have any blind spots within your facility, especially wherever there's cannabis involved. The other areas are a little more lenient. 

The other thing to look out for is the the actual panels. A lot of time, they will tell you the security guards have to be watching the panels 24/7, and if not you have to outsource that to a company that does it off site. That's another thing that you have to be ready to buy - a bunch of TVs that are going to be in a locked room that only security has access to. It's intense because security is important. 

The way I got around it is that I had set up my DVR systems where they are constantly streaming the content online. Then I have tablets that my security guards have at their desk that have all the cameras on them. That qualifies because they don't say that you have to have huge TVs and it doesn't say it has to be this crazy outsource contractor. So my security guards watch the door, I got tablets there with the cameras streaming on them, and that legally qualifies.

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.: Adam


rootAffects / Caribbean Green